Strawberry Cream Topped Lime Sugar Cookies

1 cup soft butter
½  cup vegetable oil
2 cups granulated sugar
Zest of one lime
2 eggs
2 teaspoons lime extract
3 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt

Cream butter, oil, sugar and lime zest with an electric mixer on medium-high for 2 minutes or until fluffy. Hand stir in eggs and lime extract; don’t over-mix. Add dry ingredients all at once and mix until fully incorporated. Add 2-3 Tablespoons more flour for high elevation. Scoop out approximately 24+ 2” balls of dough. Gently roll and flatten slightly. 
(For a richer flavor and smoother texture refrigerate or freeze until ready to bake.)
Place on greased or parchment paper on an aluminum cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10+ min. Let cool completely.  Pipe Strawberry Cream straight from a Ziploc bag with a 1 inch corner trimmed off. Drizzle with Lime Icing. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Share!

Strawberry Cream
8 oz. softened cream cheese
1/2 cup soft butter
2 oz. crushed (to powder form) freeze dried strawberries
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 drops red gel food coloring, if desired
2 cups powdered sugar
Dash of salt
16 oz. thawed Cool Whip
Mix cream cheese, butter and strawberry powder. Add vanilla extract, then mix again. Stir in powdered sugar. Mix until fluffy (3-5 minutes). Fold in Cool Whip. Spoon into 2 freezer strength Ziplocs and refrigerate until ready to use.

Lime Icing
4 Tablespoons lime juice
2 cups powdered sugar
Dash of salt
Mix all ingredients in the food processor until smooth.

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